Decorating Hallways

When decorating our homes we often pass right over the hallways, but a beautifully decorated hallway can do so much for your home. There are so many different options when it comes to decorating your hallways, you can transform them into almost anything when you have just enough space. All you need are a few accents, some great lighting, and a beautiful runner to tie it all together. We’re all in need of a little inspiration sometimes when we Don’t know where to start with decorating a piece of our home.


Adding texture is always a great idea! Naturals like jute, sea grass, or sisal, are a great way to add texture to your floor and give your space an earthy feel. Vertical paint stripes as well as adding art Will bring your hallway to life. You can also transform your hallway into a seating area with an accent, like a bench or ottoman.


The challenge of a hallway is that it’s not really an enclosed space and it leads to other rooms. So, instead of ignoring it as Part of the home’s overall design, use it as a jumping-off point for the rooms that lead off the hall. There are various ways one can transform Long hallways by playing with scale and perspective so as to draw attention to the walls, the ceiling, or the floor, thereby breaking up the monotonous expanse into smaller fragments.


As you’re decorating let your hallway reflect your home and personal style. We hope this post Will be a source of great inspiration just in time for you to “deck the halls” this holiday Season!


Happy shopping!