Easy Home Redecorating Tips Using Area Rugs

Updating your home with area rugs is a fast, easy way to enhance the beauty, style and functionality of your living spaces. No demolition or construction is needed and no mess created. You also won’t need to break your budget as you pick out some new area rugs. Here are some ideas to get you started.



An area rug should be large enough to anchor and support a gathering space while keeping enough flooring around for circulation to flow. It can be slightly smaller than the area covered by the furniture. For instance, the front two legs of sofas should be on the rug, but they don’t need to be completely placed on it. Leaving a border with the natural flooring exposed is the perfect way to “frame” a room.



Be daring and break out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid of a round rug in a square room to soften up the look and present a contrast with different shapes. This can also inspire you to change up your furniture layout which is another surprisingly easy way to completely restyle a room with little effort.



Color and pattern are also natural ways to break the mold. Since the idea is to avoid the mess and labor of painting, if you have a room with a white or neutral wall color, then punch up the volume a bit with color. This way, you don’t have to commit to a strong color on the walls, furniture, or window treatments. Conversely, if you already have bold furnishing and surrounding decor, a neutral rug will tone down and balance the vibrant colors.


Defining large spaces

You don’t need to limit yourself to just one rug per room. Many floor plans have great rooms which also open into kitchen and dining areas. Rugs should complement and coordinate with each other. The placement of rugs will create and define multiple alternative spaces in an open, large space creating harmony and unity in the overall design.



In some rooms, the desire for an area rug goes beyond creating a specific design or look. Sometimes it is just more practical such as avoiding the shock of cold feet when you hop out of bed. A long hallway is also an ideal spot for an area rug to muffle the sound of footsteps at night.

Visit our showroom where you will find something for every room in your house.